I wanted to be a chill bride. Well, I’m here to say that I really don’t think there is such a thing. … At the end of the day, you’re planning an event. No matter how small or large, there are decisions that have to get made and you need to weigh in.
Summers have looked very different since Covid began. … This summer, with wedding planning in full swing, time was at a premium. Still, we managed to fit in a few days in Cape Cod.
With all of these big, but also mundane things, it gets hard to post. Does anyone really want to hear about this? What is my angle? Have I processed X enough to even share it? And on and on and on…But I love writing. I love building community. I love connecting connect folks.
I started writing this post in February 2021… and now we’re here. I know what held me back from moving forward and hitting publish: fear. Fear of putting myself out there. Fear that others might judge me. Fear that I would fail. … Spoiler: I’m a certified personal and executive coach!
I’m not sure how it’s been a year since I last posted, and yet it also feels like it’s been several years. Time moves so weirdly these days.
“eat glitter for breakfast and shine all day”
I’ve found that before starting something new, a good question to ask of mentors, friends, and family who have been there is, “What do you wish you had known?” Did I ask anyone this before planning my wedding? Absolutely not. Do I regret that? Kind of.