Nice to meet you!

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Welcome! Who am I? I am a fourth-generation New Yorker and lover of brownies, puns, and street art. After graduating from Brown University with honors in Literary Arts, I earned my JD from NYU School of Law, and am in the process of getting certified as a personal and executive coach. By day, I lead corporate development for an arts and mentoring nonprofit and by night you can find me working with my coaching clients, binge listening to podcasts, taking barre and spin classes, or with my friends and family (2020 edit: on FaceTime/phone calls).


Why "Glitter for Breakfast?" I thought you'd never ask. Glitter for Breakfast is about finding what makes you sparkle; being your most authentic and best self; and starting each day with confidence, a positive attitude, and a smile. As the saying goes, “Eat glitter for breakfast and sparkle all day.”