Five Favs: February
I know every blogger starts monthly favorites this way but still, how is it already March 1st? Even with the extra day this year, I felt like February just flew by. Nevertheless, I still found five things this month that I am loving. Here we go…
1. Superstore
You can already tell this is going to be absurd and hilarious. [Source]
I discovered this show on FiOS OnDemand during one of our brutally cold weekends. The show stars America Ferrera and basically follows NBC’s now tried and true pseudo-documentary workplace comedy – think The Office (actually styled as a documentary/mockumentary) and Parks and Rec. Although I feel like the show pretty much sticks to in this formula and isn’t particularly innovative, it is generally very well written. Some of the jokes feel tired and they play right into stereotypes, but it’s so over-the-top absurd and the acting is fabulous, you can’t help but laugh. I will definitely be missing Superstore now that it’s short first season is over and am excited to see where the writers take it next season.
2. Quality Fake Plants
The Three Musketeers; except there were four Musketeers, whatever.
While I love flowers, keeping them alive is asking too much. I forget to water them, they die, I don’t want deal with their gross remains, I let them sit, they get grosser, I continue to let them fester, you see where this is going and no, I’m not proud of this. I recently discovered the most realistic succulents EVER at Kikkerland. My bff has a masters in forestry and she thought they were real. Boom. They look awesome and all I have to do is dust them.
3. Barneys Downtown
#StaircaseGoals [Source]
Once upon a time we had a Barneys Coop in my neighborhood. Then, there was a rumor that Barneys, real Barneys, was coming, and now it’s here and it’s STUNNING. Really, the interior is gorgeous. Will I shop there often/ever? Maybe for the occasional treat. However, it will have Fred’s (open to the public on March 7th) and I will certainly be adding that to my go-to neighborhood list. I’m interested, and a little worried, for the effect Barneys Downtown will have on the neighborhood, but in general, I think it will only be positive. Plus, who doesn’t like having gorgeous jewelry to ogle as you walk down the street? I hope they do a mini-version of their holiday windows!
4. Real Weekends
Except I'm right here and you can reach me a million different ways and I'll do whatever you need, day or night.
A longer post on working from home is coming but here’s a teaser: working and living in the same space is HARD, especially when you work non-traditional hours on multiple freelance projects. I have found myself working until all hours of the night (and morning), regardless of the day. Over the last two weekends in February, I made a conscious effort not to work. If I got an email, text, Slack, etc. I would check it, but if it wasn’t something urgent or that needed to be dealt with prior to Monday, I just let it be. #GameChanger. I found I was refreshed and ready to work on Mondays and got so much more out of my weekends. Technology and a Type-A personality can make for a dangerous combo so I will need to watch myself, but I’m going to do my best to keep this up.
5. Daylight
Say what? I’ve always been very conscious of the number of hours of daylight. My dad and I usually call each other when we first notice the days getting longer again. For us, that happened during February. Yesterday, I even tweeted about the fact that at nearly 6pm, it still wasn’t completely dark out. Excited much? Oh yes! Having more light just makes me happy, revelatory I know. I don’t suffer from SAD, but there is definitely more pep in my step and a change in my mood when dinner and sunlight begin to coincide.
What were your February favorites?