Hooray for Fridays
Rather than having Fridays be "Finds," I've decided to make it a grab-bag. Fridays are fun (or at least they should be). The weekend is in sight, and hooray, you've made it through the week! To treat myself on Fridays, I'd rather not be limited just to finds and instead throw out some fun, another rep of fitness, an extra helping of food, travel, real talk, or a find if I have a good one. This week I'm giving you a fun/find combo.
A Room of Balloons!
Last weekend I had plans to get froyo with a friend. I know, I know, could we be more basic. But then, as I was falling asleep Friday, and obviously going through Snapchat stories, I saw my sister's bff's snaps from Martin Creed's "The Back Door" exhibit at the Park Avenue Armory. The show had been on my list but once my screen filled with clips and pics of my sister's friends in a room filled with balloons I knew I had to go immediately.
Don't you want to go in there IMMEDIATELY?! Me too!
My friend was more than up for it and we had one of the most fun afternoons I've had in a long time. It was like being in a ball-pit except you're walking through rather than swimming and it's easier to move through balloons than it is plastic balls. (Why is it so hard to get through those things anyway?) As we approached the front of the line, which moved pretty quickly, we were both swept up in this state of pure joy and excitement. There was an innocence and simplicity to it that I'm not sure I've felt in a long time. Working freelance; navigating the NY dating scene; living in NYC; and the tragedies, instances of bigotry and hatred, and slew of other horribles that have been unleashed on the world, is draining and it's easy to get jaded. An afternoon of silliness was just what we, or at least I, needed.
The number of people and time that you're in the balloon part of the exhibit is limited but you get a decent amount of time to play. Still, we have both seriously thought about going back. The rest of the exhibit is also worth seeing, though I caution you that the video portion is not for the faint-of-heart when it comes to bodily functions and you might not want to bring children in depending on your rules/feelings on what they see and how it will be received (SPOILER: You will see someone "relieve herself" on a floor and there is nudity (female top, male bottom from behind).
If you will be in NYC before August 7th, I can't recommend it enough. Who knows, maybe I'll see you in the balloons. Click here for more info.