Where everybody DOESN'T know your name
Recently, I've become hyper aware of the fact that I don't know my baristas' names. Since my January transition to social media and copywriting full-time, I've been working from home which means that for the past 8 months, I have gone to the same coffee shop nearly every day (it's under my building). With each visit, the baristas and I got to know each other a bit, although I know many more things about one in particular (he's very chatty but in a good way). Despite the fact that they more or less know what I want when I walk in and I know that one of them has a pet tarantula, just planted an herb garden, and wants to be a bee keeper (I told you he was chatty), I have no idea what any of their names are and because it's not a write-your-name-on-your-cup place, they don't know mine either.
If only they had name tags.
I feel terrible not knowing their names and really want to ask but I'm worried that might come off like I'm hitting on them or make them think I'm a loner with no friends. Am I over-thinking this? Probably.
At what point do you ask the name of someone who you aren't meeting in a social context? The first time I went to "my coffee shop," I had no idea if I'd ever go back, but then I did, many times over. Don't even get me started on all the people who live in my building that I pass in the lobby or have shared an elevator with. I'm not sure what the answer is but, I've decided that tomorrow I'm asking the guys (and lone girl if she's there) what their names are. Will they think I'm a total weirdo? Maybe. But, in the name of human decency and just feeling so super awkward, I refuse to let another day go by without knowing.
Soon walking in for matcha will be like this ^^. #squadgoals #staygolden [PC: Getty Images/NBC]
Do you know the name of your barista(s)?
Is there someone whose name you don't know despite seeing him/her daily?