First Day of Fall: Checking in as we Head into a New Season
It's been a hot minute since I last posted. I have many posts that I want to get up but #lifehappens and with the state of things in the US (looking at you NC), Presidential politics, the anniversary of 9/11, and the recent terror attacks/bombs (what are we calling it?) that happened in my neighborhood, it felt hard to get those posts up... they are coming, don't worry. With the change of season, #hellofall, today felt like the right time to get back into the swing of things.
The Peanuts always make me smile. [Source]
I'm going to keep it short and simple and see how I did on my End of Summer Bucket List. *Spoiler Alert:* Not great.
Governors Island: The last day of the season is Sunday so I do still have time to make this happen. Maybe...
Finish my Book: Yes to this! I'm now reading All the Light We Cannot See. I know I'm really late to the game on this one.
Met Costume Exhibit: Checked this off as well! As I wrote about in my August favorites post, it was really well done and I had such a wonderful time seeing the incredible pieces. Fashion truly is art.
Baseball Game: Nope. Baseball season isn't technically over yet but I can say with almost complete certainty that this isn't happening. Although now I'm seeing it as a challenge and might have to make it happen, this is what happens when you tell me I can't do something.
Walk the Brooklyn Bridge: I already gave myself a "maybe wait until fall" and given how brutally hot it was at the end of August/beginning of September, there's no way this was happening. I'm thinking this will make for a nice Sunday stroll with boots and a matcha latte in hand and whatever else I can include to make me #basic.
More Pool Days: I'm going to go the, "not my fault" route here. Over Labor Day Weekend I tried to make plans with my parents and then each day they would bail on me. I had some quality roof sitting though so I'll say I half did this.
For those keeping score that's 2.5 with a maybe to the 3 remaining items. Not great but not awful; ok, kind of awful.
Did you check off all of your summer to dos? Do you think I can get these last ones done?