September Favorites
Is it seriously already October? Do I say this every month? From starting September in France to ending it three weeks into a new job, my September was a blur. Here's what I loved (or at least remember loving)...
Disneyland Paris
By now you know that my trip to France ended with a night at Disneyland Paris! While we only had a few hours in the park, we went on Hyperspace Mountain (omg so NOT like our Space Mountain, this guy goes upside down, sideways, and is Star Wars themed), Pinocchio (don't have this in Orlando), Pirates of the Caribbean, and It's a Small World. Dinner and lines took up the rest of our time before the fireworks show but honestly, I was just so happy to be there that I truly didn't care. I've now been to 3/6 Disneysso looks like I'm going to have to go to Asia to check off the others (Tokyo, Shanghai, and Hong Kong), any takers? Bueller?
Seeing My Sister
For some people seeing their siblings is a regular occurrence, for me, it's a special occasion. My sister ended up having a weekend off at the end of September and I leapt at the chance to see her. I hadn't seen her since her Vet School graduation over Memorial Day Weekend and being with her, even though it was only for a few hours, was so special.
Flowerista by Essie
I was looking for a magenta-ish polish and discovered Essie's Flowerista, which has been in heavy rotation over the past month. It's bright enough to go with the unseasonably warm weather we've had, but dark enough to feel seasonally appropriate. If you're also a #polishaddict, think a brighter and more summery version of Bahama Mama.
29 Rooms
Unless you live under a rock, you've heard of 29 Rooms. Kidding, kidding, not everyone knows. Basically, 29 Rooms is a pop-up experience meets art exhibit meets adult playground produced by Refinery 29. Last year was the first year and sadly I missed out on buying tickets. Cut to the announcement this year when I decided to buy two tickets and figure out the rest later. I am so glad I jumped on this when I did. I went with one of my closest friends and we had the best night in this wonderland of fun. From rooms that were more political in nature (think a bathroom transformed into a space that celebrates the whole gender spectrum) to rooms that were just pure whimsy (ex: Alexa Meade's installation where you got to dress up), each room led to unexpected adventures. Refinery29 is brining 29 Rooms to LA so if tickets are still available and you'll be there, get one ASAP!
What were your September favorites?