My Goals for 2017
All the sparkles
Happy 2017! I can't believe how fast 2016 went or how fast time seem to be going in general. I remember when 2000 sounded like a faraway, made up year. Even though it’s January 3, with today being the official first day back to work/school, it feels like the real start to the year. As has become a tradition, I spent some time on New Year’s Eve Day reflecting on the year that was and noting down some hopes for 2017. For the past few years, I’ve done this in the form of a letter to myself and also chosen a word to guide me through the year. This year when I sat down to write, I just didn’t feel as connected to the process as I had in the past and though I did it, I found myself writing out a list of goals yesterday and felt totally in tune with that. So… I’m going to keep the letter but scrap the word and go with the new set of goals (some are actually the same) which range from concrete things to more general ways of living/approaching situations.
Some things that made the 2016 list of notable events & accomplishments:
- Having hard conversations and being vulnerable
- Seeing Adele
- Turning 30
- Travel -- Croatia, Italy, California, and Miami
- Seeing my sister get her white coat and win the John F. Cummings Memorial Award
- Going to the weddings of dear friends
- Meeting new people, some of whom have become wonderful friends, and reconnecting with old friends
- Taking risks both personally and professionally
- Running for the first time in 9 years
...Then of course there is this very website you are on. While I officially published my first post on December 30th, 2015, it was really in 2016 that it came to life. From changing the format, schedule, design, it has been a journey and I’ve so enjoyed being on it with you. I hope that you find value in what I post and I welcome any and all suggestions for things you’d like to see.
Looking forward to 2017, I want to:
- Smile more -- It’s not that I don’t smile, it’s just that smiles hold so much power and they are contagious; this is one “germ” I want to spread!
- Listen fully and deeply
- Talk to myself as if I’m talking to a friend -- Anyone else yell at themselves and put themselves down? It’s not nice and it needs to stop.
- Give myself the time I need -- When I need a moment, take a moment. If my phone is ringing but I’m also walking home in the rain carrying groceries and an umbrella, just call whoever it is back. Honor vacation time and weekends as best I can.
- Give more attention to my blog
- Take a solo trip -- I am so afraid of going somewhere alone and I want to change that. Movies alone? Love it! Dinner by myself? No problemo. I enjoy my own company but when it comes to travel, I am scared. Some of it is safety based (hi, small girl over here) but the rest is, I don’t know, loneliness? I am really going to try and push myself on this one, even if it’s just a weekend getaway.
- Plus a few others I can’t share just yet… :)
I feel like this picture is saying, "Reach for the stars."
Did you make resolutions? Intentions? Pick a word? Any you want to share?