May Favorites
Holy moly 2017 is almost halfway over and I'm *this close* to being halfway to 31! Where has the time gone?... This is actually the perfect segue to my first May favorite so let's just get on with it.
My Sister's Vet School Graduation
As some of you know, my sister has spent the past 4 years studying to be an equine (horses) vet at Cornell University. While I know for her, there were many long days that turned into long nights and back into days before her head hit her pillow, but to me it seems like a blink (and I think in some ways she would agree). I am insanely proud of her and it was a fabulous weekend. Not to brag but... she won 2 awards, one of which was awarded during the hooding ceremony and no one (students included) knows the recipient of beforehand. This brings her vet school total to 3 awards. #nothumblebrag If you're an older sibling, you know the joy, pride, love, and awe that comes with watching your younger siblings turn into your peers and achieve amazing things. In addition to all things my sister, I won a heated game of Cards Against Humanity and captured Joe Biden on video saying that he accepted the invite to speak at Cornell because he loves ice cream. Team Rosenbaum did well.
What do you mean your graduation pictures don't look like this?
All of my Papa Joe pics are blurry but I don't care. The "I love ice cream" video is not and that's what counts.
Master of None - Season 2
Aziz Ansari won me over as Tom Haverford on Parks and Rec and he hasn't let me down since. The year-ish long wait between seasons 1 and 2 of MoN was so worth the wait. Without giving anything away, I'll just say that the show is well written, funny, relatable, touches on real and important issues, but leaves you always hopeful and upbeat. Start it now.
Recess Benefit
My cousin runs the organization Recess which brings the creation of art into a public setting. Initially founded with an innovative residency program which has brought to life some crazy and insightful projects (a waterslide onto Grand Street anyone?), Recess now offers a host of programming, including work with court-involved youth. Recess's annual benefit is hands-down my favorite benefit. The evening is designed around a game in which attendees are assigned a piece of art at random and throughout the night have the ability to beg, borrow, or steal (or defend) their assigned work from other guests. At the end of the evening, whichever piece you have is yours to take home. I tend to get uber competitive but this year held back, though I did make sure that I got a great photo and no one got their grubby hands on it (jk no one had grubby hands).
Xhilaration Bomber Jacket
This spring I embarked on a quest for a bomber jacket. I ordered a grand total of 6 and ended up with 2 (both of which are from Target and were under $30 each #winning). Of the two, I am utterly obsessed with this black floral print one by Xhilaration. It's the perfect weight for spring weather, not too warm but gives you a little extra something if you need it and although it has a black base, the floral pattern saves it from feeling wintery. The jacket goes with everything, can dress up or down, and is MACHINE WASHABLE (yes caps needed). If I could wear it every day I would.
When you're waiting for your friend so you decide to take a faceless selfie at an awkward angle because you love your bomber so much.
Graduating PT
There was one other graduation in my family this month: mine from PT. This means that I'm at 90-95% but this last 5-10% is slow going. I know the heals I wore at my sister's graduation didn't help and that I have to continue doing my exercises (I'm so ashamed of how bad I am at this), but overall I'm thrilled. I will really miss my PT Brian and the staff at Chelsea PT. Helping someone heal isn't easy. There were days when I really struggled with what I could do and times when the myofascial release therapy Brian did made me tear up, but finishing, or breaking up as Brian calls it, was such happy moment and left me feeling so accomplished, good job body!
Ramapo For Children Benefit
To close out my May favorites, I want to start with how the month began. On Monday, May 1, my parents were honored at Ramapo For Children's first benefit. (I swear the point of this monthly favorites wasn't to brag about how awesome my family is!) My parents met working at RFC and so, although I never worked there and haven't been involved, it holds a special place in my heart, i.e. I wouldn't exist if not for RFC. To hear others speak about the work my parents have done and the great work of this organization was humbling. When people ask what I'm most grateful for, my parents are always at the top of my list. All evening, I felt so lucky to be their daughter and have these two giving, kind, brilliant people as my parents. #blessed (I know, I know but it really applies here.)
Tell me, what did you love in May? If you watch Master of None, can we please discuss?!!