Meeting with Myself
This is from a notebook. I have straightened it, but I still think it looks crooked, I think the printing is crooked. Am I crazy or is that only my ideas :)
Tomorrow I have a very important meeting. It doesn't involve any interviewing, no suits, no resumes or pitches, instead, I'm sitting down with myself. There are so many things that I want to do that have accumulated on the "later" pile and it's time that I sit down and go through them. I'm talking projects I want to work on, blog posts I want to write, working on my daily sleep and meditation schedule, and, dare I say it, a book idea that I have had for years and am terrified to actually pursue.
When I think about how long some of these "to-dos" have been on my list, I'm embarrassed. How could I have blasted through Master of None season 2 in a weekend and yet put off these personal and important goals for years? I'm guessing you know what I'm talking about, right? It's so easy to push off our own dreams or, side hustles as the cool kids say, focusing instead on our careers, family, friends, dating, and basically everything else. Why?
Part two is the key. Gotta make them wishes happen!
Before my laters turn into nevers or wish I hads, I'm calling myself out. I'm headed out of town for Memorial Day Weekend and will be using my four hour bus ride to finally sit down with myself and discuss. If I finish early or need a break (and I'm positive I will), that's fine, this type of meeting, while exhilarating, is also a bit exhausting, but I cannot put it off any longer. To stay accountable, I'm going to set a monthly check-in. I'm thinking end of month to see what I was able to do that month and what my goals are for the next month. Seems doable enough (and a little scary).
Do you make time to meet with yourself? What have you been putting off?