Taking a Selfie
The wall at Miami International Airport. The irony.
This week, and frankly the past 24 hours, have been a doozy and yet, I have never felt more inspired by my fellow Americans. The way people have sprung into action, from marches and protests, to lending legal assistance, has made me so proud and reaffirmed my belief that there is an overwhelming amount of goodness in the world and that love will always win. I wish I could be out on the ground but whatever was plaguing my knee and then back has, this week, taken up residence in my hip and I'm now at the point where walking can bring on tears so I watch in awe and do what I can from my couch. I'm not going to go any more political here, at least for now, but know that if anyone would like to talk or is involved with organizations, events, etc. I'm always happy to speak and learn more so please comment or email me.
With the world topsy turvy and my body out of whack, I am reminded of the importance of "taking a selfie" -- not an actual picture, but really looking at yourself. Self care tends to take a backseat to pretty much everything we do and yet, if we are not at our best, our actions tend not to be as impactful as they might have been. While I have been pushing myself all week to keep up with my normal routine, I have probably made things much worse and who knows, maybe if I had paid more attention to what my body was screaming at me, I might not be in the position I am now.
The Biebs, not just for teens.
Balance is usually discussed in the context of work/life or food, but what about self/others? It is just as important to be there for yourself as it is to be there for those around you. I remember asking my dad about the instructions in the airplane safety videos about putting on your oxygen mask before helping those around you. It struck me as selfish and mean. My dad was quick to explain that actually, if you don't get yours on first, you might not be able to get the other person's on properly and then you'd have two people in danger. The same principle applies. Taking some time to watch a comedy rather than CNN; getting a massage; celebrating birthdays, weddings, and other lifecycle events are not examples of being selfish, rather they're what keep us sane and allow us to give of ourselves.
Going into this next week (and new month- how are you already almost here February?!), I'm going to work hard to check in with myself and make sure that I'm giving my mind and body the rest they need. Something tells me there are many more battles ahead, in all regards.
Did you participate in any of the protests? How do you practice self care?